Welcome and, Hi!
I'm Astrid Astari, people usually call me Astrid. I'm a proud Muslim 25 years old now, and currently working in one of multinational Oil & Gas company. I was graduated from environmental engineering major in University of Indonesia. Well, I started to love writing when I opened my first blog in 2016; from just short ones until a quite long stories and thoughts, developed into amateur writer which I am still learning on it up to now.
Anyway besides of my current work, I also do lot of things to keep it balance, considering as a Work-Passion-Life-Balance, isn't it good?
I do traveling, writing, public speaking / hosting, cooking, baking, playing basketball, Piano, running my small business in culinary sector as a head chef, including creating social media feeds and photograph content for my business. I'm also passionate in education and social so that most of my writing are closely related to them. Being more impactful to others is a thing I pursue, and writing my blog is how I seek the purpose of #sharing my thoughts, traveling features, and other untold stories.
Hope this blog finds you helpful. And if you have any thoughts, questions, or anything feel free to comment below or reach me closer at astariastrid@gmail.com. I’ll see you around!
Kind Regards
Astrid Astari